Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Strategic Assets Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Strategic Assets - Case Study ExampleAccording to Rupert Murdoch News federation be blessed with many things dedicated employees a consistent vision compelling products and services loyal customers throughout the world and boundless opportunity as the global thirst for entertainment and impertinentsworthiness explodes. It is true in that respect are either kinds f opportunities for News Corporation. However in the unstable world environment we probably will experience economic downturn for a period f time. I would say that there are risk and threats in every aspect.The news media is very sensitive to most countries in the world. It is steady worse in this moment when America is attacking Afghanistan. The economy is suffering a downturn as a whole. Technology is growing very fast.The cross-border globalization f communication still remains a difficult issue for news companies. Local government plays n very important role in the industry. Country like China they control news m edia tightly and there are heaps f regulations and restriction in the country. Never before has this industry seen such turmoil both in cost f changes in technology and challenges posed us and our competitors by regulatory authorities around the world. orbicular competition is becoming more and more intense. There are high development costs for news companies.The industry is in a mature stage f PLC. News companies are fighting substantial to maintain market share. It is time to emphasis efficiency and low cost.As for the five forces, it is difficult for new entrants to come. However the buyers have stronger bargaining power as they have more choice and better acquaintance about the industry. There are no specific substitutes for News Coporation as they cover almost all aspects f news media. The competitive rivalry is very strong in the news industry.The News Corporation has a vast range f products like* filmed entertainment* video recording* cable interlocking programming* mag azines and inserts* newspapers and* book make.The principal activities f associated entities include* satellite, television and cable broadcasting* newspaper publishing and* print and electronic television guidance applications.It covers all over the world and products serves every segment f market. It is said to be the most integrated news company at the moment.The Resource. News Corporation had occur assets as f June 30, 2001 f approximately US$43 billion and total annual revenues f approximately US$14 billion. News Corporations diversified global operations in the United States, Canada, Continental Europe, the United Kingdom, Australia, Latin America and the Pacific Basin include the production f motion pictures and television programming television, satellite and cable broadcasting the publication f newspapers, magazines and books the production and distribution f promotional and advertising products and services the development f digital broadcasting the development f conditi onal inlet and subscriber management systems, and

An Exploration of the Attributes of Organized Crime Research Paper

An Exploration of the Attributes of Organized Crime - Research Paper Examplen American countries like Mexico and Colombia are commonly regarded as organized abhorrence aspects as they explicitly violet the efficacious administrations of the respective countries so as to gain monetary wise. Some of the international organizations referred to as the mafias include the Albanian Mafia, the Black Mafia, the Russian Mafia, the Japanese Yakuza and the Chinese Triads (Abadinsky, 2010).The United States Organized Crime Control Act in 1970 defines organized crime as an unlawful activity carried out by highly organized and make grow association. Statistics have it that the number of people involved in organized crime in the United ground is approximated to be over 38, 000 involving more than 6000 groups (Haller, 1991). Organized crime is normally associated with several illegal activities such as illegal gambling, assassination, bombing, blackmailing, oil smuggling and arms trafficking. Thi s type of crime also has extreme effects on political corruption to the highest degreely in areas experiencing political instability like the Middle East. Such iniquitous organizations are normally associated with large amounts of money some of which is used to bribe government officials in an perspiration to avoid prosecution.Organized crime has also been linked with massive roles in people smuggling and kind trafficking. The Yamaguchi-Gumi, the Russian Mafia and the Ndrangheta have been identified as the most powerful and prolific organized crime groups all over the world (OKane, 1992). Despite the Russian cosmos the largest criminal group, the main problem being faced by the existing law enforcement is its ability to point out the members of such organizations now that most people engage in organized crime activities claiming they are members of these mafia groups yet in the authorized sense they are out to gain respect and spread fear. Latin America has been identified as the base to the most violent and influential drug cartels all over the world. This area has been heavily associated

Monday, April 29, 2019

The Global Justice Concept Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Global Justice Concept - Essay ExampleThe presidency is grounded on the concepts of fairness, equality, umpire, and protection of the peoples mutual interests. The government must do its share to ensure the citizens achieve their ludicrous societal goals and objectives. The social contracts, including the United States constitution, reduce or prevent constant wars among individuals and communities. The social contracts ensure everyone lead strive to comply with the contracts provisions of justice for all stakeholders (Souryal 75).Christian Unity ModelDuring John Winthrops sailing towards the brave new world, the Puritan religions Winthrop espoused his fellow ship passengers to become the beacons or guides for all humans everywhere (Gardner 106). The stark naked World is the current United States of America. Winthrop is a rich pour down owner and government officer in England. The ship was going to propagate the Christian brand of justice in the New World environment, in the other part of the world. The speech was done during his 1630 trip to New England. Winthrops speech persuaded his fellow ship travelers to firmly establish the New England societys ecclesiastical ( phantasmal) government format. Under the format, Winthrop win over his fellow Christian followers to ensure the citizens of the New World will implement all religious policies or concepts. Winthrop insisted his fellow Puritan followers must establish the civil government, not the military government, inwardly the New England community (Gardner 106).

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Developing a Pre-sentence Investigation Report Interview Guide Essay

Developing a Pre-sentence Investigation Report Interview communicate - Essay Exampleances of the arrest, the evidence or suspicion that led the incumbent to book the suspect, the crime of detestation he or she is charged with, and the events after the suspect has been booked.The pre-sentence investigation compensate is usually prepared by the sensory or investigating officer once the defendant/ suspect or offender is at the police precinct. This document is usually presented before a judge in the course of the hearings that may transpire in the event the accused is found guilty of the crimes for which he has been booked. This is a legal requirement. The pre-sentence investigation report is the outcome of an interview between the defendant and the investigating officer and usually includes basic information almost the defendant as well as the circumstances of the arrest and the crime of which he is being charged. A typical pre-sentence report would include the following details The first question allows the defendant to tell his level or his version of the events in a completely open and unbiased manner. This is especially if the arresting officer is not the one who is interviewing the defendant. However the arresting officer s version of these events are also as important, if not more, as the defendant usually lies to protect himself and his real intentions.The second question allows the defendant to form his version of the events and prove them by any evidential means possible. In a minority of cases, the arresting officer may be wrong or make an incorrect arrest depending on the circumstances, dear to diffuse social tension or deal with the situation. That is why it is also important sometimes, where possible, to revisit the mental picture of the crime and try to contact any persons or witnesses who were there at the time the crime was attached or frequent the location or work there in the normal course of events. These witnesses or onlookers can pr ovide invaluable clues as to the events that occurred (cjcj.org website, 2011)Q. 3. Is this your

Saturday, April 27, 2019

TE Lawrence Fundamentals Of An Insurgency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

TE Lawrence Fundamentals Of An Insurgency - poll ExampleThose who went against the orders were either beaten or shot to death. The Taliban rule gained global condemnation for its laws or policies. solo Pakistan, United Arabs Emirates, and Saudi Arabia recognized it as legitimate. However, after the 11 September 2001 terrorist attack in the U.S, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia cut friendly and diplomatic ties with the group claiming that it was dangerous and a threat to regional and international security. In response, the U.S urged the Taliban to turn over Al-qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden but they ref utilize. This prompted the U.S and other Western nations to suck bombing afghanistan and endorsing the Northern Alliance (Rashid, 2011). In the end, Hamid Karzai was declared as a temporary leader of the Afghan government. This signaled the end of the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan but the group seems to be reorganizing despite most of its radical and fatal leaders being killed or im prisoned. In order to understand the activities and nature of the Taliban guerilla movement, it is vital to analyze it based on T.E Lawrence sixs fundamentals of insurgency.T.E Lawrence asserts that few words can be used to describe insurgents in context with legal armies. T.E Lawrence described six fundamental principles of insurgency. With regard to the Taliban group that operates in Afghanistan, one of the principles of insurgency described is that the group is an intricate and sophisticated enemy, which makes it hard for conventional armies of the Afghanistan government to handle. Secondly, the Taliban guerilla movement has unassailable base in that it is difficult to understand how they operate and organize themselves. Thirdly, Lawrence states that the movement must(prenominal) have less number of fighters, which makes it unable to occupy the disputed territory, as it is the case with the Taliban group. Fourthly, the group in this case, the Taliban has a passive support of th e afghan population who does not

Friday, April 26, 2019

Strategic Management Process (SLP) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategic Management Process (SLP) - Essay ExampleA bang Statement, on the other hand, gives a description of the things an geological formation is going to do and why. It outlines the primary objectives as swell up as the purpose of the organization in question. Unlike Vision Statement which focuses on the outsiders, a delegacy Statement primarily concerns itself with the internal organization. It outlines the most crucial measures for the organizations success, and as such, its main interview is the organizations leadership team as well as stakeholders. However, Vision Statement excessively touches on an organizations purpose, but this is lone(prenominal) as far as the organizations values as concerned and not bottom line measures. It shows the organizational values and purpose (Rothwell, 2010). in that location are five criteria I believe are very crucial in devising a Mission Statement. First, the Mission Statement should clearly describe the things an organization is going to do and why. I say this criterion is very important, since it is what defines the organizations reason for existence, at least to the workers and the stakeholders. As such, it gives the concerned parties the motif to work hard towards achieving their common goals. The Mission statement should alike be oriented towards giving reproductive results. It is through the results, which should be realistic, that an organization can work clearly knowing what it targets to achieve. This keeps all stakeholders focused on achieving the particular goals. In addition, the statement should include not only the organizations goals but it should also capture the people who are to work towards achieving the said goals. This is important because it not only sets clear targets for the organization but also makes the various stakeholders to own the goals, a factor that is very vital for improved death penalty within the organization. The statement should also be concise, but one that covers ever ything in its own scope. This is not only easy to read but

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Methods of Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Methods of Motivation - Essay ExampleThere are two types of motivation intrinsic and extrinsic. Extrinsic motivation implies an instrumental relationship between behavioral results and desire outcomes. The person is not vitally interested in his/her very behavior, but in particular in the outcome that results from it. Whoever wants to get a compliment from a specific somebody, in return for which some bat has to be done (like completing schoolwork at home), is not focused on those tasks, but on the recognition she or he expects to receive from performing well. Intrinsic motivation consists of the feelings attached to or resulting from performing specified activities. Thus, intrinsically motivated people would be satisfied, happy, enjoy themselves, favor the things they do, and so forth (Armstrong, 2003). motion motivation theory (McClelland) asserts that maximum motivation will occur at moderate levels of difficulty when the inducement judge of success is highest. Two problems w ith that model are the failure to include an explicit goal-setting stage and/or the failure to measure commitment to succeeding. These factors are crucial to predicting the psyches response to subjective probability estimates. But the value for achievement, a conscious motive that is not cor colligate with n ach, has been found to be significantly related to goal choice (Fulton, Maddock, 1998).One of the earliest and the most popular theories of motivation was developed by Abraham H. Maslow. His power structure of needs theory is based on five needs (1) psychological (hunger, thirst), (2) safety (protection), (3) social (be accepted, belong to a certain group), (4) esteem (self-confidence, achievements, respect, status, recognition), and (5) self-actualization (realizing ones potential for continued self-development). Whereas needs and (subconscious) motives are crucial to a full intellect of human action, they are several steps removed from action itself (Robbins, 2002). Goal-set ting theory is odds with expectancy theory, which was starting introduced into industrial-organizational psychology by Vroom in 1964. This theory asserts that, other things being equal, expectancy of success (which is reciprocally related to goal difficulty) is positively related to performance. However, as shown later, goal-setting theory and expectancy theory can be fully reconciled. Goal-setting theory approaches the explanation of performance quite differently from that of motive or need theories such(prenominal) as those of McClelland and Maslow. It then worked backwards from there to determine what causes goals and what makes them effective. In contrast, need and motive theories started with more outback(a) and general (often subconscious) regulators and tried to work forward to action, usually ignoring specific and conscious factors (Fulton, Maddock, 1998).Equity theory (John Stacey Adams, 1963-1965) asserts that move over will bring satisfaction to the degree that it is s een as fair or equitable. Equity judgments will be based on the judged ratio of the individuals outputs and inputs in comparison to the output/input ratio of people to whom the individual compares himself or herself. If pay is seen as inequitable, thus producing dissatisfaction, people will take steps to restore comeliness by modifying the quantity or quality of

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Open Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Open - look Paper ExampleQualifications wise the board is a mix of innovators and researchers. The board comprises two PhD holders and key personalities worry Robert A. Iger the current chief operating officer and president of The Walt Disney Company (orchard apple tree Inc., 2013b). The combination of basis and research gives Apples circuit card the leadership qualities that are needed for consumer electronics business. Research provides Apple with access to the latest technology while innovation provides the companys products with the competitive edge over its rivals. The board can take decisions based on both technology and innovation. 2. Committees the board sits on The board at Apple Inc. sits on three committees study and Finance, Compensation and Nominating and Corporate Governance. The Audit and Finance committee is responsible for maintaining the financial matters of the company. Moreover the committee looks afterwards the audit system, performs risk management and als o looks after the security of the data. Financial matters are of great importance to Apple Inc. and to make sure that the committee functions at optimum efficiency the members of the committee are around of the brilliant minds of the leading companies in the world (Apple Inc., 2011a). The second committee is Compensation committee whose main mark is to design incentive plans for the company. In addition to designing the Committee can also review and qualify any incentive plan as it sees fit. The committee has three members with Andrea Jung being the chairperson for the Committee (Apple Inc., 2013a). The 3rd Committee is Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee whose sole responsibility is to nominate candidates for the Board of Directors at Apple Inc. In addition the committee can advise the Board of Directors regarding matters of governance. The committee comprises three members and William V. Campbell is appointed as the Chairperson of the Committee (Apple Inc., 2011). 3 . Management at Apple Inc Most of the individuals on the job(p) for Apple have been working with the company since its formation. There are a few who joined shortly after Steve Jobs was made the CEO at Apple Inc. in 1997 (Apple Inc., 2013d). The management team is a relatively experienced sensation with volume who have worked with some of the greatest companies in the world. One such example is Craig Federighi the Senior Vice death chair at the company. Federighi worked for NeXT Inc. and Ariba before working for Apple in 2009. NeXT Inc. and Ariba were one of the most habitual IT companies of their time. Federighi is just one example of the many experienced individuals working for the management of Apple Inc. (Lowensohn, 2011). 4. Boards Philosophy on Executive Compensation Executive fee at Apple Incorporation is decided by the Compensation Committee which comprises 4 non-employee directors of the company. As per the Definitive Proxy Statement, the executive compensation prog ram of the company includes awarding Restricted Stock Units (RSU) to all executive members of the company (Apple Inc., 2013d). However, the RSUs were not awarded to one executive member, Timothy Cook, who was promoted to the CEO of the company. In addition, the Compensation committee also has established a get going basis for determining the remuneration and bonuses for executive members of the company. As for instance, the Committee considers a number of factors while evaluating the remuneration and bonuses of the executive members, which include Competitive Market

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Credibility of International Human Rights Organizations Term Paper

believability of inter issue military personnel Rights Organizations - Term Paper ExampleThe organizations play their roles through mobilizing people and confronting any creative activity or individuals who ar acting in an injustice or inhuman manner, thus jeopardizing the dignity of humanity. The International Human Rights Organizations monitors basic human right issues all over the existence and parent their views on much(prenominal) issues (Barsh, 113). They undertake their responsibilities through lobbying and advocacy, trying to convince the United Nations as well as other national governments to adopt their established policies on human rights and freedoms (Emilie and Kiyoteru, 407). Such International Human Rights Organizations have observers in some regions of the world where they monitor and give their views on the violation and abuse of human rights in those regions. To protect and promote human rights the world over, such organizations collaborates with other region al and locally based organizations, as well as human rights defenders, to mobilize, lobby and advocate for non-violation of basic human rights by governments and other institutions (James and Peter, 276). However, the idea of human rights trade protection have been overemphasized in the last two decades, with human rights organization taking the center full stop in running the affairs of the people. More than ever in the world, human rights organizations have been integrated in to each one aspect of a countries affair, having the media focus on them and huge budget allocations channeled towards them (Emilie and Ron, 375). The support for human rights organization has been grand from the public, since they perceive such organizations as their protector against the violations of their basic freedoms and rights by the government. Therefore, human rights organizations have become an powerful platform through which people advocate for their rights and seek redress whenever their fre edoms and rights are violated. Thus, the reputation of International Human Rights Organizations has grown bigger than of many other leading corporations (Emilie and Kiyoteru, 407). Though in the 1970s such organizations were excluded in the main global policy circles, these has changed with any policy involving finance, security and power incorporating these organizations at the center stage of such issues. Thus, human rights have been integrated in the global culture, where every aspect of human fundamental interaction has to be aligned based on the policies and views promoting human rights and freedoms. Social change in the developing world is greatly imparted by the International Human Rights Organizations, as any aspect of social change in such countries has to be monitored and assessed based on how it suits the established policies by these organizations. For such organizations, two basic issues are fundamental for their success in actively playing their roles. The first of thi s fundamental task is to persuade the political, social, and stinting elites that human rights are universal and desirable for all, and thus they should be promoted at whatever cost (Emilie and Ron, 375). This target be achieved through having politicians and other social elites prioritize human right issues in their meetings and forums. Journalists and bureaucrats have an spacious role to play in promoting these issues through articulating them in media. The second tasks are translating the human rights language and policies into a reality and have such

Monday, April 22, 2019

To what extent is jihad an important concept to understand Essay

To what extent is jihad an valuable concept to understand Frankish-Muslim relations - Essay Examplef this paper that the influence of the confrontationist ideology of jihad on the organization of relationships between Franks and Muslims is nearly negligible, and not so important in understanding the Frankish-Muslim relations in the period between the first Crusades through to the thirteenth century.The concept of jihad in Arabic roughly translates to retrieve struggle and it denotes the central obligation of all in all believers of the Islam religion to their faiththus, it refers to the struggle against all those who are opposed to Allah, and the Islamic faith in general, within the context of classical theory of Islam. The account book jihad has acquired two commonly acknowledged interpretations, which are an inner spiritual struggle and an outer somatic struggle whereas conventional attitudes acknowledge the inner struggle by believers to fulfil their religious obligations as the true(p) essence of the term, Islamic scholars stress that the term inevitably connotes an armed struggle against persecution as well as oppression. In this respect, proponents of the violent form of jihad have largely contributed to the pervasive interpretation of the term to mean holly war that is deeply inculcated all over the Islamic world today, the term has taken on a military meaning in nearly all contexts, and is a fairly stable idea in Islamic law (Parviz, and Ridwan 2001, p.23).Earlier historical publications have explored the Frankish-Muslim relations to great extents in which they have pervasively enforced the perspective that the Frankish states remained outposts of the Christian world and infidels in the dominant Islamic Middle East. Consequently, the bare image of a Christian-Islam confrontation in the Frankish-Muslim relations has often emerged and taken root in a vast proportion of western sources thereby greatly influencing western thought and discourse. The true nature of the Frankish-Muslim relations remains to be a hotly contested, often

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Essay qestions(Middlehood and Adolescence) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Qestions(Middlehood and Adolescence) - Essay ExampleThe nature vs. nurture argument highlights the importance that family, society, and education summercater in conditioning the festering of the benignant individual psychologically. In Adolescence, John Santrock (2007) identifies six different factors that sterilise well being, and these can be partaked across the various schools of psychology and sociology related to human victimisation theory.The intellectual assets ar a combination of the genetic expression in the individual physical structure, brain, tense system and general body health. The debate on the importance of education, positive family or community nourish systems, and social resources all relate to the stages of body development from infancy into puberty and the specific types of thinking that are developed in personality, as well as as related to the emotional imprinting.The psychological development must also be recognized as being unique in the different s tages of human growth, and this has been recognized in Western psychology primarily since Rousseau. The nature vs. nurture argument has a broader application in behavioristic conditioning, Freudian neurosis, or the DSM related psychological disorders as they arise through conditioning, genetics, and other factors.Social assets relate to the nurture arguments and sociology, social psychology and other fields of analysis that relate the family, community, cultural, and structural support of the human individual in the growth cycle. pertinacity can be seen in the steady progression of growth proceeding physiologically, as well as the development of complex knowledge systems such as science, math, arts, literature, and language. Continuity is part of the education process and growth patterns until adulthood and elderly stages.Discontinuity relates to the abrupt appearance of language, physical work like walking, running, driving, sexuality, etc. This is seen in a

MHE510, Occupational Health and Safety, Mod 4 Case Assignment Essay

MHE510, Occupational Health and Safety, Mod 4 carapace Assignment - Essay ExampleIn this case, the patient sued the company he is working for because he has mesothelioma and has been clear to asbestos. He admits that he has had several positions and all of them exposed him to asbestos. The UK courts have determined that the exposure is work link and now must determine how much of the cost of the workmans compensation each of the companies are responsible for (OSullivan, 2010). onwards this writer could take a position, there are some things that must be known? Does or has this employee actually worked in a company where he might have been exposed to asbestos? What kind of lung crab louse does he presently have and is he a smoker? Have there been any tests to ascertain that this lung cancer is coming from exposure to asbestos? If the result to number one is true and number three is positive, the answer has to be that this is a workmans comp case.Workmans compensation is meant to cover a disabled worker who has been injured on the line of reasoning with a fixed income in an effort to avoid litigation because of the injury. These awards are awarded for disability or to the family in the case of death (cornell.edu, 2010). It was the first critical legislation that was provided in liability. It has changed quite a lot since that master copy ruling and there is more onus on the boards to determine whether an exposure was from work or personnel. In the case of asbestos, there are now very specific things, including small particle masks that an employer is supposed to use. If they do not and the employee is exposed, it is not toilsome to determine where the exposure happened. There are other more difficult cases however (Anderson, 2000).An example of this is the firefighter that gets lung cancer and is also a smoker. It is known from studies (Guidotti, 2007) that firefighters are exposed to some(prenominal) carcinogens therefore the suggestion for those expos ures is as follows. There is presumption justified for the following cancers bladder, kidney, testicular and brain

Saturday, April 20, 2019

International Business. Multinational Enterprises Case Study

IBM as a Multinational Enterprises - Case Study ExampleIBM is one of the only nine companies in the Fortune five hundred companies to be considered global. A companys recognition as being global is only measured by the helping of their revenue from different markets. The deuce-ace triad major world markets North America, Europe, and Asia, are considered when companies are measured. tally to the rules for a company to be called global, the revenue from each of the three major markets must be great than 20% of the total revenue of the company (2006). In the case of IBM, it passed the test since IBMs revenue from all the three major world markets exceeds 20% of the total revenue. The company gets 42.7% of its revenue from North and South America, 32.7% from Europe, and 21.6% from Asia. Other oversized companies can be considered multinational enterprises, but not global companies. The number of countries IBM operates in, along with the vast handiness of its products throughout th e world is sufficient to conclude that IBM has a global reach. IBM interests the masses of other countries, and that is why it is the largest b smokestackto in its industry. IBM started to expand beyond national borders through the merger of its Canadian predecessors and establishing and maintaining a special human relationship with its customers. According to the case presented, IBM expanded with speed and commitment into many different markets of the world.Contract manufacturing is outsourcing manufacturing tasks to other firms. In IBMs case, the company uses contract manufacturing to manufacture a lot of its products in different parts of the world. IBMs strategy is to continue a global company, and contract manufacturing fits in perfectly in IBM. Contract manufacturing allows the company to expand express than if the company would manufacture everything directly from the host country. Furthermore, it saves a lot of money and time for the company because exertion facilities are not to be purchased, as it would be the case if IBM decides to manufacture them. It also involves getting the to the highest degree out of the workforce. Local firms would know more about how to utilize their resources in the best possible way, and hence, topical anaesthetic firms would a better job at managing local anesthetic resources. Moreover, consumer tastes and demands differ in each country, so it is honorable to use the knowledge of contractors about the home market. The contractors know more about the market for technological products in the home market. Furthermore, with specific assistance from IBM, the local firms can provide an IBM product with specific customization tailoring to the local population. Part of the reason for IBMs success in other countries is contract manufacturing. IBM would have to deal with a lot of issues such as location, availability of human resources and technology, training, market research, and government rules and regulations etc. To b etter minimize the peril of getting others to do the companys work, IBM has created six research centers across six countries to ensure that these centers conduct research in their region.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Interim-report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Interim-report - Essay precedentStereo vision came about also to solve the problems by generating 3D images of the original objects. A stereophony vision can be yield from a stereo television tv camera where the user of the stereo camera is commensurate to comp ar different images obtained from the analogous scene using the camera (Buckingham, 2004). Different methods have been apply to develop stereo cameras including the estimation of the perspective projection matrix which involves developing of equations for estimation.The original aim of the outgrowth of the project is to achieve a 3D effect on images done the use of an ordinary camera. another(prenominal) effect would be merging the images that are multi viewed into a finer one. The effect would involve processing the images through the use of volumetric reconstruction procedures (Buckingham, 2004). The development is to bring the user of the camera to get an image which is stereoscopic through the ability of one being able to compare two or more views from the same scene where the images are taken. The 3D effect is attained when the person taking the image is able to order the images using the eye or separation using a lenticular lens. The images that are maintained are then to be registered in 3D mesh model.Making of two images to be employ in a stereo camera is the main objective of the project on the stereo camera. The process ordaining also involve calibrating the stereo camera system using two standing cameras. The project will also do with getting the estimations, both external and internal parameters of the camera. The estimated parameters are also to be used in the making the camera produce the 3D effect (Buckingham, 2004). Having a sliding mounting braid between two marked points can be done to minimize the effect of moving the camera to take the second picture after taking the first picture. This brings the problem of not being able to take moving objects. The development of the st ereo camera will ensure minimizing this

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Raising the school awarenessof the dangers of social networking to the Research Proposal

Raising the develop awarenessof the dangers of social networking to the teenagers - Research Proposal ExampleNot only that, rampant cases of cyber bullying and other link issues that strike within the emotional and psychological well-being of users. In this paper, I will go into degree of the threats that adolescent users are faced. And it is in the light of purging this threats that I am writing your kind office. I believe that the school is the most basic instrumental and effective institution to counter these imminent dangers to the youth. Of fertilise the education of the teenagers is of prime concern but, moreover, your good office can be the front bearer of furthering this manage by stimulating participation and activism of the parents and of the whole local society to make cyber world a safer rear end for the future of the youth. Thank you very much for considering and looking over my proposal. I hope this will be a sufficient spark to enable us to act on this matter zea lously. Yours Truly, XXXXXXXXX RAISING THE SCHOOLS ken OF THE DANGERS AND THREATS OF SOCIAL NETWORKING TO THE TEENAGERS Prepared For Prepared By TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.1 INTRODUCTION...2 THE SOCIAL NETWORKING PHENOMENON.3 What is Social Networking?..............................................................................................3 Origin and Evolution of Social Networking4 Why is Social Networking so likeable? ..4 Encouraging Participation6 DANGERS AND RISKS FOR ADOLESCENTS..6 Cyber Bullying.7 Invasion of Privacy and Security.7 Too much schooling and Identity Theft...8 Promoting Anti-Social behavior in the Real World.....9 Online Predators.10 WHAT THE SCHOOL CAN DO......10 tincture SNS Awareness in Curriculum..10 Get Involved with the Teenagers in SNS

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

I will discuss about the problem of over population and STDs and Essay

I will discuss about the problem of over population and STDs and propose solution such as using rubbers that should help volume - Essay ExampleWith the opposing viewpoints of pro-life and pro-choice though, there is a glaring promise with appropriate education and the use of barrier contraceptives. Why educate? Illiteracy causes people to take things for granted. People do not understand how overpopulation can be perilous to human extract in terms of the competition for food and resources. With that, family planning programs fail to penetrate the societys view and the excessive cut of human population results from irresponsible parenthood and unwanted pregnancies. Furthermore, without appropriate education, STD cases continue to rise significantly especially among the young adult population worldwide. Sex education varies widely across nations. rough countries start to introduce topics of conception as early as 7 years old, while a few(prenominal) countries still debate on the extent of how much is to be taught considering its ethical aspect to their culture and religion. Contraception, for instance, go about great controversy and garnered criticisms as to its moral and ethical impact. Debates usually arise when the use of contraceptives is taken into consideration. nonpareil online article by Kelly Shircliff strongly points out that contraceptives are anti- life. ... Unlike abortion, barrier methods need not be tagged with an ethical dilemma since any union of sperm and ovum does not occur. And unconnected anti- ovulant drugs, condoms do not interfere with the bodys natural processes. Furthermore, the use of condoms prevents transmission of transmitting by preventing actual contact with secretions in the reproductive tract of both partners. In fact, in an interview by Peter Seewald, Pope Benedict XVI said that there may be a footing in the case of some individuals, as perhaps when a male prostitute uses a condom Simply speaking, the pope himself co nsiders using condom as a protection against the evil of HIV infection. Undeniably, this pressing issue cannot be solved by hypocrisy. Meanwhile, according to the Center for Disease Control, reportable sexually contracted infections affect more than 15 million Americans per year and account for almost one tertiary of the reproductive mortality in the United States. This is ultimately alarming since the countrys manpower is moved(p) which in turn impairs development. In addition, the total cost of health care on STD cases reaches from $9.3B to $15.5B in middle 1990s (Chesson et. al. 11). Spending this huge amount of money could have been prevented had the government took effective preventive measures, that is, by promoting the use of condoms. While drafting the proposal, the government may face the criticisms of the conservative, religious and political parties of the society. Taking it in positive perspective, a feasible and acceptable policy will likely be formulated. First, con doms must be made readily available and less expensive to target consumers. The government may purchase condoms from manufacturing companies and in turn sell it

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Organizational Changes within the National Health Service Essay Example for Free

Organizational Changes within the National Health Service Essay1. establish and debate the organisational changes within the National Health Service and examine how these take a shit influenced wish well delivery.At the start of the NHS, a mediation model of forethought subsisted where the office of the manager facilitated wellness bid commerceals to wish for the forbearing. medical exam staffs were extremely influential and controlling in determining the shape of the service, at the same measure as managers were imprudent and focused on managing internecine organizational issues (Harrison et al. 1992).After the 1979 superior general election, there was in the beginning little change to the National Health Service (Klein 1983). Though, poor economic ingathering, together with growing man expenditure, slowly brought about changes. Influenced by the New Right ideologies, a more interventionist, practical, style of care in the health service emerged. This efficie ntly changed the role of managers from one of imprudent scapegoats for existing problems, to agents of the government (Flynn 1992). Managers became the means by which government control over NHS spending was increased (Harrison and Pollitt 1994).The impulsion for this change arose from the 1983 Griffiths report (NHS Executive 1983), an sound judgement by the government health advisor, Sir Roy Griffiths. Within this report, four specific problem areas were recognized the watched circumspection influence over the clinical professions a managerial stress on reactivity to problems the significance hardened on managing the status quo and a culture of producer, not consumer, orientation (Harrison et al. 1992).The power of the Griffiths Report (op. cit.) was to challenge and limit medicines sovereignty in the health service, and over health care picks. certainly, encourages were simply referred to twice throughout the document. finished its attention on organizational dynamics and not structure, the Griffiths Report proposed main change to the health service. everyday Managers were initiated at all levels of the NHS. In spite of Griffiths original intention that it was simply cultural adjustment that was required, there were instantaneous and considerable geomorphological and organizational changes in the health service (Robinson et al. 1989). Post-Griffiths there were escalating demands for value for cash in the health service (DoH 1989). Efforts to extend managerial control over professional autonomy and demeanor so continued throughout this intense period of change, and terminated with the NHS and Community Care Act (DoH 1990).From the re-organizations that taken perspective during this period, the NHS was rationalized to conform more intimately to the model of free enterprise in the private sector. This reclamation was shaped by the belief that greater competence could be stimulated through the formation of an internal and competitive trade. The b elief that the health service was a banging organization was disputed. The principles of economic rationality conjugated with air organizations were applied extensive to the operation of health service. The services requisite were determined, negotiated, and agreed by purchasers and providers through a funding and constricting mechanism. In this, trust hospitals and Directly Managed Units supplied health care provision for District and oecumenic Practitioner fund holders.There has since been a further shift in the purchaser radix from health authorities to local commissioning through primeval care groups and, more lately, through the Shifting the rest period of Power The Next Steps policy document (DoH 2001b), to Primary Care Trusts. Through such recognized relationships, purchasers have turn out to be commissioners of services and the idea of the internal market has become the managed market that recognizes the more long-term planning of services that is required. Rhetoric o f organization and health improvement underpins service agreements in a flash made.The NHS is not simply a technical institution for the delivery of care, exclusively as well a political institution where the practice of health care and the roles of health care practitioners imitate the authority base within society. The hospital organizational structure is an influential determinant of social identity, and thus affects health care roles and responsibilities. Though, through the health care reforms the health check exam staff and, to a lesser degree the managers, appeared to be defense from the introduction of general forethought into the health service. This has resulted in health service delivery remaining stoutly located within a medical model, and medical domination unchallenged (Mechanic 1991). It is the less authoritative occupational groups, including care for, that have felt the major impact of such reforms.The NHS organizational changes aimed to convey leadership, va lue for money, and professional office to managers at all level of the health service. These alterations were intended to reverse the organizational inertia that was limiting growth and efficiency in the system. Though originally aiming a positive impact on the service, these radical ideologies direct to tension at the manager-health care professional boundary (Owens and Glennerster 1990).The prologue of the internal market in the NHS meant to present a more neutral and competent way of allocating resources, through rationalization and depersonalization. The revolutionary era of managerially claimed to be a changing force opposing customary health professional power (Newman and Clarke 1994), and persuasive professionals to offer to organizational objectives (Macara 1996). The contradictory models of health care held by managers and health care liveers improved ambiguity over areas of business and decision making, somewhat than clarity as anticipated (Owens and Glennerster 199 0). The contending ideologies and tribalism between the health care groups were more uniquely revealed.The introduction of markets to health care exposed a dichotomy for health care professionals. Medical and breast feeding staffs were requisite to report to better managerial officials, yet reveal professional commitment to a collegial peer group. This was challenging, mainly for medical staff that understood medical influence and the independence of medical practice, except did not recognize managerial ability. In many of the commentaries addressing this, the majority pragmatic resolution to addressing this situation was to distinguish that professional independence exists but together with, and limited, by managerial and decision-making control.The Griffiths Report (NHS Management Executive 1983) considered the determine as the natural manager and endeavored to engage medicine with the general management culture through the resource management inventiveness. This requisite m edicine to clinch the managerial values of collaboration, team arrive at and collective proficiency through the kind of clinical management teams the clinical directorate. On the contrary such working attitudes were in direct contrast to medicines principles of maximizing rather than optimizing, and of autonomy not interdependence. It is fascinating that even in todays health care environment there have been sustained observations that medical staffs do not supervise resources or clinical staff in an idealistic way. in spite of this, there has been little effort to reduce a methodical and broad review of the organization of medical work. This is in direct distinction to the fellowship of she-goats, whose working practices and standards persist to be critiqued by all.Early on attempts made by managers to bound medical authority led to doctors adopting countervailing practices so as to remain independent and avoid organizational authority. Such practices, taken to keep their cl inical independence, included unrestricted behaviors in admitting longanimouss or deciding on explicit patient treatments (Harrison and Bruscini 1995). These behaviors rendered it hard for managers to intrude on medical practice, and therefore restricted the impact of the health care reforms. this instant post-Griffiths there was some proof that introduction of general managers had, to a small achievement, influenced medical practices. Green and Armstrong (1993) undertook a study on bed management in nine London hospitals. In this study, it was established how the work of managerial bed managers was capable to influence throughput of patients, admission and operating lists, thereby ultimately affecting the work of medicine. however, attempts made by managers to organize medicine were self-limiting. Health care managers were not a colossal, ideologically consistent group and lacked a strong consistent power base (Harrison and Pollitt 1994). Managers did not fulfill their remit of instant(a) the medical position in the health service and evade the responsibility for implementing repulsive and difficult decisions (Harrison and Pollitt op. cit.).The management potentiality of medicine persists to be challenged by government initiatives including the overture of clinical governance (DoH 1997). In this, the brain Executives of trusts are held responsible for the quality of clinical care delivered by the whole workforce. An optimistic impact of this transmute may be to provide opportunity for an incorporated organization with all team members, representing an interdependent perplexity of health care (Marnoch and Ross 1998). on the other hand, it might be viewed as simply a structural change to increase the recognized ability of the Chief Executive over the traditional authority of medical staff a further effort to make in-roads into the medical power base.Current years have demonstrated sustained commitment from the government towards modernizing health care (DoH 2000b). This has integrated challenging conventional working patterns and clinical roles across clinical specialties and disciplines. certainly medicine has received improved public and government testing over current years. This has resulted in a shift of approach from within and outside the medical profession. The skill of challenging the agenda for change in health care entrust be part-determined by medicines capability to further flex its own boundaries, and respond to the developing proficiency of others.2. Identify and critically explore the changing role of the nurse, within the multi disciplinary team, examining legal, ethical and professional implications.The impact on nurses of the post-Griffiths health service configuration has not been so inconsequential. Empirical work has demonstrated that execution of the Griffiths recommendations led to the removal of the nursing management structure. This efficiently limited senior nurses to simply operational roles (Keen a nd Malby 1992). The implementation of the clinical directorate structure, with consultants having managerial accountability over nursing, further reduced nursings capability to effect change.Prior to 1984, budgetary control for nursing place with the profession. The 1984 reorganization distant nursing from nursings own control and placed it decisively under the mod general managers (Robinson and Strong 1987, p. 5). As the notions of cost inhibition and erudite consumers were promoted, audit and accounting practices assumed a operative position in the health service. It was nurses who, encompassing a considerable percentage of the total workforce and linked staffing budget, found themselves targets for public and government analysis. nurse maintained some strategic management functions within the new management structures, but these tasks were nearlyly limited to areas within the professional nursing domain. Nurses have been seen as costly and potentially up temperedting factors o f production channels through which costs can be lessened and court functions can be absorbed (Ackroyd 1996). Caught in the crossfire of managerial changes that were originally targeted at medicine, nursing has been placed coadjutor to management (Robinson and Strong 1987).In spite of debates on the impact of health care changes, there is accord on one issue. The structural and organizational changes in the NHS since 1991 have re-fashioned unit management teams and unit management responsibilities. This has resulted in the improved involvement of these teams in the stipulation of the service. It has required a diverse way of thought surgical procedure about health care and new relationships between clinicians and managers to be developed (Owens and Glennerster 1990).The nineties are set to become a vital period in changing the ways in which health care is delivered, not just in terms of the potential re-demarcation of occupational boundaries between health care occupations, but as well in terms of the broader political, economic and organizational changes presently pickings place in the NHS.It is asserted that traditional demarcations between doctors and nurses, seen as based on ever more unsustainable distinctions between cure and care, are becoming blurred and that the new nursing causes a threat to the supremacy of the medical profession within health care (Beardshaw and Robinson 1990). though, there is an element of wishful thinking about this and, indeed, Beardshaw and Robinson (1990) rage their optimism with an identification of the continued reality of medical dominance. They see the threat to medical supremacy as one of the about problematical aspects of the new nursing, largely as claims to a unique therapeutic role for nursing must essentially involve a reassessment of patient care relative to cure. In Beardshaw and Robinsons view, the degree to which doctors will be willing to exchange their conventional handmaidens for true clinical partne rs, or even substitutes, is one of the most significant questions posed by the new nursing.In the wake of the Cumberlege Report on Community Nursing (DHSS 1986) and World Health Organization directions concerning precautionary health care, there appeared the very real view of the reversal of nurses for doctors in definite clinical areas-particularly primary care in the community, through nurses creating a central role in health encouragement, screening, counseling and routine treatment work in some GP practices (Beardshaw and Robinson 1990). Though, a current evaluation of the impact of present reforms in the NHS on the role of the nurse in primary care is more distrustful concerning the future shape of the community nursing role.If the way to determine the extent of nurses challenge to medicine is in terms of the conflict it provokes, then there positively is proof of medical resistance to recent developments in nursing. Doctors reaction to the Cumberlege Report on neighborhood nur sing (DHSS 1986), which suggested the appointment of nurse practitioners, revealed that there were doctors who strongly resisted the initiative of nurses acting autonomously (Delamothe 1988). On the other hand, the usual Medical Services commission and the Royal College of Nursing agreed that decisions concerning appropriate treatment are in practice not ever so made by the patients general practitioner and recognized that nurses working in the community are effectively prescribes of treatment (British Medical Journal 1988226).Discussions relating to the proper arrangements desired to hold the prescription of drugs by nurses are taking place, on the grounds that nurse prescribing raises issues linking to the legal and professional status of both the nursing and the medical professions (British Medical Journal 1988226). This suggests that renegotiations relating to the spheres of competence of doctors and nurses are on the agenda.None the less, the General Medical Council (1992) Guidelines remain indistinct on nurse prescribing and other forms of delegation of tasks under medical privilege to nurses, stating that it has no desire to hold backbone delegation, but warning that doctors must be satisfied concerning the competence of the person to whom they are delegated, and insisting that doctors should obey eventual responsibility for the patients, as improper delegation renders a doctor liable to disciplinary proceedings. Renegotiations approximately the division of responsibilities between doctors and nurses are taking place very carefully and to a large extent on a rather extemporized basis, given the volume of letters requesting advice and clarification received from GPs by the General Medical Council.The focus in much of the nursing literature seems to be on the challenge of the new nursing to the old nursing posed by nursing reform, somewhat than on the challenge to medicine. adept doctor (Mitchell 1984) has complained in the pages of the British Me dical Journal that doctors have not been told what the nursing process is about. Paradoxically, the nursing process is in fact derived from the work of an American doctor, Lawrence Weed, who pioneered the problem-oriented record for hospitals in 1969. This changed the way in which patient information was collected and stored by instituting one single record to which all health professionals given.Though the nursing process, which was part of this innovation, crossed the Atlantic to Britain, the problem-oriented record did not. Mitchell (1984) has argued that the medical profession must oppose the nursing process and give it a rough ride on the grounds that medical knowledge should precede nursing plans to remedy the deficiencies of living activities which are, he insists, consequential upon the cause and clinical course of disease. He also accuses nurses of change a pernicious dichotomy between cure and care, relegating the doctor to disease and inspiring the nurse to the holistic care of the individual, and suspects that the nursing process is less a system of rationalizing the delivery of care than a means of elevating nurses status and securing autonomy from medical supremacy.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Chapter Three Assignment Essay Example for Free

Chapter Three appellative EssayGrants-in-aids ar federal funds provided to states and localities. Grants-in-aid dramatically increased in scope in the twentieth century and were attractive to state officials for various reasons, however, two-dimensional grants are another form of grants-in-aid which are to be used for a specific purpose defined in a federal law, substantively or procedurally, with teeny to no freedom on how it is to be spent, and ofttimes requires local matching funds.The main concern with categorical grants is the huge amount of conflict between elected state and local officials and the specialists of their own bureaucracies as closely as those in the national governments administrative agencies (pg. 131), including a rising public pass against government unfunded mandates.There are seven common criticisms with categorical grants The proliferation of project grants conflicts with equalizing governmental resources, limit categorical aid uses distorts stat e and local policy priorities, state and local leaders gradually capitulation policy initiative to aid granters, the national government not aiding all public services, the fact that states and localities are required to put up matching funds to receive aid, the applications being difficult to apply for and often needing to be resubmitted due to technicalities, and the coordination of hundreds of grants spread across too many agencies (pg. 132).Very few actions for change stimulate been taken in reform surrounding the grant-in-aid system, although general revenue sharing and block grants were introduced as solutions to the major(ip) problems of the system, as well as the movement for citizen participation in administrative decision making and achieving repair coordination among proliferating aid programs (pg. 138).

Human freedom and the ten commandments Essay Example for Free

Human impec female genitaliatdom and the go commandments EssayWhen Jesus was asked, What must I do to inherit eternal career? , he replied You sleep together the Commandments, keep these and you will start. It has been said, that the ten-spot Commandments are not simple rules mandated by paragon, but rather, this set of rules is considered as a gift given to men in order for them to live the life that God has promised.Although the sacred scripture commandment, by itself, imports something mandatory and obligatory, it must be understood that God has granted individu on the wholey sensation of his people freedom and independence to choose how he or she will act, and hence, valet freedom is an signifi messt topic to be discussed alongside the Ten Commandments. It will be seen, that the kind of life that men live is simply a reflection of how he uses the freedom that he has been gifted with. A person can either live a life full of one spent as a smashing follower of G od.Although some would say that it is a question of fate, destiny, or maybe even luck, the truth is that, a person lives a life based on his own choices and decisions. As pick out been stated, men engender been gifted with freedom, and it is up to him how he will utilize this gift. evenry person has different forms of needs and wants that gravel to be dealt with in ever soyday life. This is where freedom sets in. In allowing absence of restriction, God permits every individual the hazard to shape his life. It has been stated that this is one risk that God chose to take.God risked much in creating us piece with the freedom, now, to unleash horrendous nuclear disaster or to love our fellows across all boundaries. (Grider, 1994). It is the freedom that each one has been blessed with that enables him to understand and appreciate the life that he has and all the beauty that comes with it. On the separate hand, if this freedom is abused, then the consequences that go with it, woul d also have to be dealt with by the individual concerned. Being free entails a lot of responsibility.It is believed that God granted every individual the gift of freedom, not for the sole conclude that he be boundless or limitless. Man is given freedom for him to be responsible for all the things that he says, does or even thinks of. True enough, some philosophers believe that the things that happen to each individual can be traced to the actions and decisions that he chooses to take. Most of the times, it is not up to the heavens if a good or mischievously thing happens to one person. More of than not, everything that happens to a person can be traced to the course of action that he chose to take.The scriptures that God instructed to be drafted, in essence, are mere forms of guidance for men but in the end, it is human freedom which will eventually dictate whether or not an individual will live his life by these guidelines. The concept of human freedom is more often discussed by mentioning the story of what happened to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. As has been aptly stated, these questions as to the nature of human freedom arise curiously when we turn our attention to the question of the origin of infernal region.Only consider how many times the origin of sin has been ascribed to this human freedom of choice, implying this twofold power of mans nature and of his creaturely existence to sin or not to sin a good part and an evil part of his nature. (Berkouwer, 1962). True enough, God could have stopped the serpent from interacting with Adam and Eve, but due to the freedom that he bestowed the two, they had the choice as to whether or not to take the apple that the serpent offered them. Ultimately then, it is this choice that they made which is the root cause of why they were banished from the garden of Eden.It would appear then that despite the Ten Commandments being set down by God to be sent to his people, the same is not precisely a set of obligat ory rules imposed upon men. Rather, the Ten Commandments are considered as a guide as to how each person should live if he wants to palpate the kind of life that God promised. This is a kind of life full of happiness, peace, beauty and love. A persons freedom can lead to this if a person, in choosing paths to take, keeps in mind what the Ten Commandments chat of.Ultimately, it would depend upon the person if he will live the kind of life promised by God ever since the olden times, or if he will use his freedom to lead him to a kind of afflictive and despicable kind of living.REFERENCE The Ten Commandments, http//www. whitestonejournal. com/tencommandments J. Kenneth Grider , Human Freedom, 1994, http//www. bibleviews. com/humanfreedom. hypertext markup language G. C. Berkouwer, Human Freedom, 1962, http//www. the-highway. com/freedom2_Berkouwer. html

Saturday, April 13, 2019

How far is Odysseuss status Essay Example for Free

How far is Odysseuss status EssayThroughout the Odyssey, Odysseus is portrayed as a Greek hero. However this bathroom be contradicted. In many events Odysseus fuel be perceived as un-heroic at measures. Therefore the above statement can be argued. Throughout this piece of work I will be discussing this statement and I will gradually draw closer to a conclusion. Odysseus shows moveing as he produces very clever ideas and performs quick-thinking actions. Throughout the narrative he has planned strategies, for example, every time Odysseus and his men reach an island he always sends his men first to investigate the surroundings. This quality can be seen as cunning and therefore he can be seen as a hero. His personality can be seen as caring and scheming. In many periods of the book this can be judged. He waistband calm in situations and when his men die he thinks of them, and when in trouble he does his best to jock them says quote, we travelled with heavy hearts, grieving fo r the loss of our dear friends.. (Book 10 Line 133) Odysseus can be seen as resourceful, for example, he tool the undiluted wine with him when going into the Cyclopss cave, which then later came into use as it salvage his men and himself escape to safety.He is seen as shrewd as he uses a false evoke when speaking with the Cyclops which again later on takes its effect when the men are absconding from the dangers of the Cyclops. Even though Odysseus can be seen as a hero, in some cases he cannot be depicted as cunning. For example, he decided to ignore his crews suggestion to escape with the food in the Cyclopss cave. Even though he was right to do the kind and respectable thing to do, by staying in the cave to greet their host, he made the wrong decision as the by staying he risked the lives of his men.Odysseus can be thought of as violent as he blinded Polyphemus with a stake. This could be looked at as un-heroic and wrong, but it can also be seen as him being vengeful for his k illed crew. Therefore these different situations can be looked at from two perspectives. He could be seen as hospitable and vengeful, which are true qualities of a hero, or he can be looked at as a violent person who has bad judgement. It all depends on the referees standpoint. Odysseus has a very strong relationship with the Gods, especially with Athenes and Hermes.For example Hermes helped Odysseus by giving him the moly flower. This can be looked at from two angles. Odysseus might seem not so heroic as he needs help from the powers that be, and he might be seen as dependent on the Gods. But this can be argued as only some people would think that only a hero can turn around such seats from the gods and that there has to be something special about him, and also Athene was known for helping heroes which could prove that he was one. Therefore, again, this line of reasoning could be argued. Odysseus and his men have lack trust and confidence in their relationships.This reflects ba dly upon Odysseus as it shows he is not leadership material. For example When Odysseus and his men sailed external from the Island of Aelia, Odysseus had received the gift of the winds. His crew did not trust Odysseus and opened the bag, thinking it was gold, and released the winds. This shows a lack of trust. Another example that shows a requirement of confidence in their relationship is when one of Odysseuss men, Eurylochus, says You will never come back yourself and wont rescue a single man of your crew. I am certain of it. Let you get away quickly with those that are left here.(Book 10 Line 268). This shows that his men think that their destiny with Odysseus will lead to death. They feel as if his leadership is endangering them which shows that they do not think of him as a hero and influences the reader to think the same, even though Odysseus tries his best and up most to rescue his men In my opinion, I think that Odysseus is a heroic figure. This is because in the book he is proved to be cunning, caring and an Copernican figure. There are many events in the book that contradict this, but they can be argued to whether Odysseus was very in the wrong.For example, he wanted to stay in Polyphemuss cave because he wanted to be hospitable (which is the right thing to do), and he was not aware of the dangers that were at hand. He can be seen as violent, but revenge was his only motivation, when he blinded the Cyclops. Therefore, I think that Odysseus can be categorized under hero, and I think that Odysseuss status throughout the Odyssey all depends on how the reader interprets the events that take turn out as they always have two aspects to look at.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Ronald Reagan Essay Example for Free

Ronald Reagan EssayThere are a few(prenominal) mass in this world that have a profound effect on it. There are still fewer with that can claim theyve had as great an impact as Ronald Reagan. The 40th president of the f solely in States, Reagan shot from a former Hollywood actor to be draw arguably one of the grea tribulation politicians of all time. In a time where tensions were possibly never higher between the Soviets and the United States, Reagan was a tranquilize force that provided stability to a world that was severely lacking. Reagan lived a long, and extremely prosperous life, and is widely regarded as one of the greatest presidents of all time.Ronald Wilson Reagan was born in an apartment on the second floor of a commercial building in Tampico, Illinois on February 6, 1911, to Jack and Nelle Reagan. (Ronald Reagan Biography) Reagan had one sibling, his older brother, Neil. Reagan and his family moved around often, in the beginning eventually settling in the town of Dixon. As a boy, Reagans plentifulher nicknamed his son Dutch, due to his fat little Dutch adult male-like appearance, and his Dutchboy haircut. Growing up, Ronald had a particular interest in the goodness of pack, and had a strong spectral faith. (Kengor) After graduating from Dixon High School, Reagan att ceaseed Eureka College, majoring in economics and sociology. (Ronald Reagan Biography) Extremely popular among classmates, Reagan was not merely captain of the swim team, tho was elected student body president. He even ran a force back against the president of the school when he tried to cut back the faculty.Following graduation from Eureka, Reagan moved to Iowa, where he was hired as a radio broadcaster for the University of Iowa football team. Shortly after, he was hired as the play-by-play announcer for the Chicago Cubs. Reagan was a traveling announcer with the Cubs, and while traveling in atomic number 20, attended a screen test with Warner Brothers. Reagan performed so well, he left the Cubs and signed a seven-year contract with Warner Brothers. (Ronald Reagan) After signing the contract in 1937, Reagan was quickly assigned to the lower, B level movies. Ronald once joked by saying, They didnt want them good, they wanted them Thursday, referencing the gauge of some of the films he starred in. Often everywhereshadowed by other actors in such movies, his first gigantic role came in the film Love is in theAir. Ronalds favorite movie was Kings Row, in which he played double amputee Drake McHugh. His most famous line was in the movie comes when he realizes both of his legs are gone, saying, Wheres the rest of me? Reagan loved it so much he later utilize it as the title of his autobiography. Ronalds film career was cut short when he was ordered for active shape upnt duty in the United States Army in World War two. (Ronald Reagan)In 1940, Reagan married actress Jane Wyman, and in concert they had two children, Maureen and Christine, and adopted a third, Michael. Wyman filed for divorce in 948, after several arguments about his future political ambitions. It was in 1949 that Reagan met his true love, Nancy Davis. When asked about their first meeting, Nancy said, She described their meeting by saying, I dont know if it was on the nose love at first sight, but it was pretty close. The Reagans often publicly displayed their affection for one another, as he often called her Mommy and she called him Ronnie. (Ronald Reagan)After the end of the war, Ronald began a career in what really do him a star politics. Reagans political career was launched when he made his A Time for Choosing speech, which support conservative presidential candidate Barry Goldwater. The California republicans were impressed with Reagan, and he announced his intentions to run for California regulator in 1966. In Reagans campaign, he emphasized two main themes to send the welfare bums back to work, and, in reference to burgeoning anti-war and anti-establis hment student protests at the University of California at Berkeley, to clean up the mess at Berkeley. He was elected, defeating two-term governor Edmund Brown, and was sworn in on January 2, 1967. Reagan won a second term in 1970, but chose not to run again in 1974. (Ronald Reagan Biography)In 1976, Ronald Reagan moved on from governor of California to challenge for something even bigger to be the president of the United States. He challenged incumbent Gerald Ford for the republican candidacy. Reagans campaign revolved around the thought of taking early primaries to damage the inevitability of Fords likely nomination. At first, the strategy appearedto work, but Ford eventually won out, with Reagan even losing out on his home state of Illinois. In 1980, however, things worked out much better for Reagan, as he not sole(prenominal) won the republican nomination, but obliterated Jimmy Carter with 489 electoral college votes to Carters 49. (Freidel) His campaign stressed some of his fun damental principles lower taxes to stimulate the economy, less government interference in peoples lives, states rights, and a strong depicted object defense.Reagan began his presidency on January 20th, 1981, and is the oldest president to ever assume office at 69. (Ronald Reagan) Just 69 geezerhood into his presidency, Reagan became the first president to survive an assassination attempt. After the event, Reagans popularity rose to a high of 73 percent. Perhaps Reagans greatest act as president came in his second term, when he helped end the Cold War. Reagan gave a speech at the Berlin Wall in 1987, in which he challenged Soviet loss leader Mikhail Gorbachev, saying, General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization, come here to this gate Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall In November 1989, the Berlin Wall was rupture down, and the Cold War was officially decla red over at the Malta Summit on December 3, 1989. On November 5th, at the age of 83, Reagan announced that he had been diagnosed with Alzheimers disease, an incurable neurological disorder that destroys brain cells and ultimately causes death. (Library) garner of well wishes poured into the Reagans California home, showing support for the former president and first lady. As the geezerhood went on, the disease slowly destroyed Reagans mental capacity, and he was only able to recognize a few people, including his wife Nancy. (Ronald Reagan Biography) Reagans public appearances became much less frequent with the progression of the disease, and as a result, his family distinct that he would live in quiet semi-isolation with his wife. On the afternoon of June 5, 2004, Ronald Reagan died at his home at the age of 93. chairwoman George W. Bush declared June 11 a National Day of Mourning, and tributes came in from all over the world. (Ronald Reagan ) Three funerals were held for Presiden t Reagan, with his final resting place at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley California.President Reagans legacy is that of a powerful and influential man, yet the most down to Earth, honest man you could possibly meet. Observers rank him as one of the greatest presidents of all time. Many think it was because of his joking and loving manner. President Reagan lived a full and prosperous life, and there are few that can argue they stark(a) as much as he did in his time.Works Cited1. Freidel, Frank. The Presidents of the United States of America. 13th. Collingdale Diane Publishing Co., 1994. eBook2. Kengor, Paul. God and Ronald Reagan. 1st. raw(a) York City Harper Perennial, 2005. Print.3. Ronald Reagan Biography. The Biography Channel website. 2011. 01 March 2011 Abraham Lincoln Biography. The Biography Channel website. 2011. 01 March 2011 http//www.biography.com/people/abraham-lincoln-9382540 4. Ronald Reagan. History Channel Website. N.p.. Web. 18 Nov 2013. .5 . Library, CNN. Ronald Reagan Fast Facts. CNN U.S.. N.p., 10 Sept 2013. Web. 1Dec 2013. .The Life and Times of Ronald ReaganJordan WaltersMr. ClancyHistory of westerly Civilization

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Life today is better Essay Example for Free

Life today is better actNowadays life is more comfortable, convenient and better than it was a century before. Modern facilities for health, education, communication and deportation squander added a lot in bringing betterment to the life of people. Advances in technology be possessed of wind people with many ways to spend their leisure time and they also have more opportunities to employ their physical and mental abilities to achieve a better living amount.Technology and education have got lots better as compargond to the past as there are more schools, colleges and universities giving basic and unexampled education. Subsequently, it has revolutionized all the sectors of society. For instance, in the past 100 years, research surveys indicate that millions of people died due(p) to disease outbreaks and absence of cures and appropriate health facilities. But now the mortality rate has signifi set uptly reduced because there are hospitals on hand(predicate) almost in eve ry town, equipped with basic emergency requirements. Medical research and inventions have eradicated many diseases from the world.Communication has become much easier and fast as internet, mobile phones, television are available nowadays. There is no need to write farseeing descriptive letters and wait for the response for unyielding time. One can talk and even watch his loved ones with only a single click. They provide a better source of recreation too, thus helping to get rid of boredom. Similarly, infrastructure has been amend hence it has upgraded the standard of travelling. One can travel long distances using airplane in fewer hours while it was not possible some years ago. People had to travel for days to cover long distances on animals, keeping heavy luggage and food with them. Development in industrial sectors has opened refreshed areas for work to earn a living. It has introduced a wide range of career choices so that one can opt for what he likes to do instead of stic king with the occupation of ancestors.It can be inferred from the above arguments that standard of life is far better than it was in the past. People have more facilities and choices for spending and maintaining their lives. It has all happened due to the advent of education and technology that was absent in the past.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

College Essay Essay Example for Free

College judge EssayEveryone belongs to many different communities and/or groups defined by (among other things) sh bed geography, religion, ethnicity, in issue, cuisine, interest, race, ideology, or clever heritage. Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it. Black. That is the most dominate trait somewhat me. It is the first thing people notice when they see me. I can change my hair or my clothes, but I will always be black. There are plenty of people who similarly fit into this category with me the notorious Black Community. In a word, the black community is diverse.There are the stereotypical black people. The people you hear about on the news. Those who steal, shoot, sell drugs, fork up baby mum drama, and use the N-word in every other sentence. However, there is another side to this coin. This is where I come in. My role in this community along with the other portion of the black community who are in the sa me subset as me is penetrating this negative light that is beaming down on all of us. I have never held a gun. I have never stolen anything. I have never laid a hand on any drug that wasnt prescribed to me or didnt have cold and flu in the title.I acceptt have any kids and I dont plan on having any anytime soon, and I dont feel comfortable tell the N-word when Im by myself, let alone when Im around other people. entirely in all, my role in the black community is to prove to everyone else that that one perception does not reserve to everyone. The black community is one of many communities that I belong to. This community as a consentient is looked down upon, for understandable reasons. However, there are exceptions like me, who demonstrate without a doubt that one commonplace observation does not describe us all. Therefore, I describe the black community as diverse.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

World Situation Scope Essay Example for Free

World Situation Scope Es adduceIA surveil of the World Situation Scope This paper will focus its attention on the CIAs assessment of the instauration situation in regards to baneist act. The focus of the paper will be the September 11th attacks made on the Statesn soil as swell up as go into the history of Al Qaeda, their re descents for planning terrorism and their history in recruitment. Since the release of the original document, which discussed the state of world certificate in May 0f 1949, there has been many changes to the political structure of the aras discussed. At the time of the original document, the major issues which concerned American security involved the recently defeated Germans, the USSR, the Far East, the Near East and Latin America. However, the security of the get together States of America has been under constant stress since the attacks of September 11, 2001. Though programs devour been altered or executed in the course of instruction(a) Secu rity Agency, the Department of Homeland Security and the Central parole Agency, there remains a bane on Americans, and American holdings through extinct the world.As Andrew Kydd and Barbara Walter explain, there is a distinct politic to the nonion of terrorism. However, these manoeuvre atomic number 18 not always effective. There argon many events of terrorism in the world separately year, yet only a handful atomic number 18 regarded with any merit. According to Kydd and Walter, through a well argued and insightful article, it is the trust between groups that must be destroyed for an extremist attack to be successful. This is the motivation behind the response to the attacks of September 11, 2001.On go come to to root word 7 in rootage propensity (11-30-05) http//www. adultbuzz. com/121201/page4. phtmlDecember 6, 2001,End duad and thence baffle check over to bloodline 7 in informant careen (11-30-05) http//www. adultbuzz. com/121201/page4. phtmlAttorney General John Ashcroft addressed the Senate Judiciary CommitteeEnd geminate in praise of this act, and its restructuring of the NSA, CIA and FBI. (Ashcroft 524) His rhetoric was patriotic and concise, and his views of the the States PATRIOT act and its changes seemed sincere.This was supported with the passage of the unite Nations Security Council Resolution 1373, which paved the road for the patriot act itself. Eric Rosand wrote about the resolution in 2003. His response to its necessity was one of sympathy to the government, for having to face much(prenominal) a difficult challenge. However, not everyone who has commented on the alterations of the US governmental policy has done so with much(prenominal) reverence.David Cole compared the investigations into possible terrorist cells in the fall in States, to the Palmer Raids of 1919 where, avocation a series of bombings, J. Edgar Hoover led a series of round ups of immigrants across the country and held them without trial or charge i n unconscionable conditions, interrogated incommunicado and in some cases tortured. (529) This attitude has spread throughout the country, as the appearance of impropriety has permeated the governments handling of the terrorists investigations. bloody shame Jacoby brings up the question of the legal definition of Detainee. This is in response to the holding of prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay phalanx base in Cuba.The prisoners of this facility have been acquired from around the world from the contend in Afghanistan, and from arrests done in dozens of countries around the world. However, the problem a crams when the soldiers fighting for the Afghan military are brought in as detainees, quite an than prisoners of warfare. While the Guantanamo prison has its apologists, such as Charles Krauthammer who states that large-mindeding of these men would be lunacy (537) the fact remains, that in strict terms, the joined States is in break of the Geneva Convention by holding POWs.Fernan do Reinares noted in his article, The Empire Rarely Strikes Back, that after more than 2400 acts of terrorism against American citizens and interests there have been only cardinal occasions of overt military response. (Reinares 92) However, because of the incredible size and depth of impact of the September 11th attacks, war became unavoidable. There did arise a problem with the military accomplishment, yet, as a growing public credence seemed to point the target as Islam itself, rather than just Al-Qaeda.This prompted the United States to en refer the help of as many Islamic nations as possible to counter act this perception. (Aretxega 143) This coalition of Islamic nations does nothing to counteract the rise in racial profiling within the United States. Sherry Colb wrote about the foreseen changes in American law enforcement following the September 11th attacks. Her article articulated the problem of racial profiling and its consequences. Cold notes that real amount do not su pport profiling. (539) However this does not stop the utilization of profiling in airports, or in traffic stops.However, this too has its supporters, from such sources as law professor Roger Clegg. His response to the topic of racial profiling is one of acceptance and justification. So what? (Clegg 542) Clegg asks of the act of profiling. However his racial make up lends itself easily to such opinions, as an educated white male is rarely accosted for being white, educated or male. Key Findings Research into this fact has revealed that there are several locations outside of the United States where Americans and American holdings are under the greatest menace.There are varied threat levels in these locations, which range from possible altercations, to threats to flavour and property. However, there are countries which pose a threat to the gum elastic of the United States in ways other(a) than travel advisories. Some nations and their governments have strong anger towards the Unit ed States. These nations have alluded to, or are actively pursuing policies which are intended to cause harm to the United States of America. Some of these nations, such as north Korea and Iran, have instituted programs which are designed to test the United States.Other countries have entered into, or have begun to create trade unions which are designed to damage the United States position on the world market. Regardless of the sheath of threat these nations pose, there remains the necessity to understand and counteract these programs. This is difficult, however, as the degree and sophistication of these programs varies as widely as the threats themselves. The addressing of these issues are of critical importance to the continued safety of the United States and its citizens at home and abroad. Analysis 1.North Korea Nuclear weapons proliferation. This nation has been a location of turmoil since its liberation from Japanese supremacy following World War II. i However, in recent y ears, the threat of North Korea upon the United States has increase as the government agency and stability of the North Korean government, under the leadership of Kim Jong- Il, has begun to wane. Over the course of the past few years, Kim Jong-Il has made public statements at interrogatory to his desire to develop thermonuclear weaponry for possible use against the United States of America.This threat has been elevated as of October 9, 2006. On this date, the North Korean military conducted its first successful test of its nuclear weapon. Though the knuckle under of the weapon was low, reportedly only 550 tons,ii it does justify concerns that the government of North Korea may therefore develop a combat ready nuclear devise in the near future. The small yield of the blast is not thought to be indicative of their capabilities, however. Large scale underground nuclear testing requires macroscopical areas, 50-60 square miles of desert, to accomplish.North Korea does not have signif icantly large areas of land that are undeveloped or do not contain ground water. iii Because of this, the damage that would have been caused by a bigger yield test would have been too great to the infrastructure of the nation to allow. Managing the crisis The threat that North Korea poses to the United States is being managed, currently, through various levels of diplomatic means.There have been several calls for 6-party talks, meetings involving multiple nations go twin to source 9 in source mention http//www. spacewar.com/2003/031015003520. s1ia1dhk. htmlthe United States, China, Russia, South Korea, North Korea and JapanEnd match however these meetings have yet to occur. Because of this, the threat that North Korea poses to the United States remains serious. 2. Iran Terrorist support and instigation of hostilities. The government of Iran has been at ends with the administration of the United States for many years. The current leader of the Iranian government, President Ma hmud Ahmdi-Nejad, has openly stated his discourtesy for the movement of the United States military in the Middle East.Travel to the country of Iran by Americans is not recommended as the United States holds no flummox Match to source 4 in source rock (7-27-06) http//www. maha intercommunicate. com/category/blogging/diplomatic or consular relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran and therefore cannot provide protection or routine consular services to American citizens in Iran. End Matchiv Iran go about Match to source 4 in source list (7-27-06) http//www. mahablog. com/category/blogging/is aEnd Match Muslim nation, and therefore has issues with the world view of the current war on terrorism, which is being headed by the United States of America.There is strong international sentiment that the Begin Match to source 5 in source list (1-2-07) http//www. pwgd. com/blog/lb/6196-fbino-hard-evidence-connecting-bin-laden-connected-to-911-how-israeli-terrorist-became-a-victim-global-sn apshots-capitalist-intersection-of-class-nationalrace-gender-oppression/war on terror is a war against theEnd Match religion of Islam and therefore a war against all Muslims. While this is not the case, few nations in the region have actively attempted to dispel this misconception.The relations between Iran and the United States is strained for another reason Irans support of the terrorist group, Hezbollah. While originating and operating outside of Irans parrys, Hezbollah has been linked to various acts of violence throughout the Middle East. Most recently, during the short war between Israel and Lebanon, Hezbollah was involved in acts of violence, kidnapping and attacks on Israeli interests. Iran has been known to, and is suspected to still be funding this group. Following the hostilities of the war between Israel and Lebanon, a large influx of notes was seen within Lebanon.Though the money was given out by cells of the Hezbollah group, to people whose homes were damaged or de stroyed in the fighting, it is widely accepted that the money originated from the government of Iran. Because of these issues, Iran has been seen as one of the key threats to United States security. Their open support of anti-American factions within Iraq, as well as multiple allusions towards their seeking nuclear weapons, has kept Iran on the list of chief threats. 3. Afghanistan affection of Al-Qaeda recruitment.The terrorist group, Al-Qaeda continues to be a Begin Match to source 12 in source list http//www.parstimes. comthreat to theEnd Match safety and Begin Match to source 12 in source list http//www. parstimes. comsecurity of the United States. End Match Since Begin Match to source 12 in source list http//www. parstimes. comtheEnd Match attacks on September 11, 2006, Osama bin-Laden and his terrorist group, Al-Qaeda, have been linked to multiple acts of violence around the world. The nation of Afghanistan was, until the impingement by coalition forces in 2001, ruled by the Taliban a hard-lined government with strong ties the terrorist group.Bin-Laden and Al-Qaeda have been hunted since the September 11th attacks, and many key leaders have been captured or killed. However the presence of the group in Afghanistan is increasing again and Osama bin Laden remains at large. v The war within Afghanistan has continued since 2001, with no certainty for an end. This has caused dangerous instability within the region. Despite the institution of a democratically elected government within the nation, political stability has not been reached. 4. Mexico Unprotected border crossings and illegal immigration.The hail one foregoingity of preventing terrorism is to prevent terrorist travel. This tactic however has not been serious employed with regards to border security and finding and preventing terrorism since the focus as previously stated is more about finding terrorists not finding the means by which they are mobile. One governing body that has not be utilize in border security is the means by which to detect whether documentation is authentic since terrorists have system by which they infiltrate a country their travel channels should be found and exploited still no real clause in the nationalist Act has been given or stated.Terrorists establish themselves in the United States through their travel channels by which there is a paper trail of documents therefore, the Patriot Act, and NAFTA should not only be focusing their efforts at the borders where the terrorists may or may not be traversing but the government should also be wary of terrorist activity already transpiring inside the country, as The US 9/11 Commission on Border Control, Begin Match to source 2 in source list http//elections.donyell. netEach of these checkpoints or portals is a screening-a chance to establish that people are who they say they are and are seeking access for their stated purpose, to intercept identifiable suspects, and to flummox effective action. End Ma tchvi Begin Match to source 2 in source list http//elections. donyell.netTheEnd Match United States since September 11 has kept a more watchful eye on the Mexican border to ensure that large trucks are not passing the borders which could hold weapons, but this seems to be the only action officials and military are taking in regards to border control according to Zagorin in The Mexican Border Will let a Closer Look. vii In this article Zagorin is hard pressed to find any true action the US is taking in regards to border control and Zagorin sites many examples of howMexico is making its own efforts to decreased the chances Begin Match to source 1 in source list Zagorin, Adam. al-Qaeda terroristsEnd Match coming Begin Match to source 1 in source list Zagorin, Adam. into the countryEnd Match or leaving the country, Begin Match to source 1 in source list Zagorin, Adam. The Mexicans will also focus on flight schools and aviation facilities on their side of the frontier. another episode has some senior U. S. officials worried the thievery of a crop-duster aircraft south of San Diego, apparently by three men from southern Mexico who assaulted a watchman and then flew off in a southerly directionEnd Match Begin Match to source 1 in source list Zagorin, Adam. a senior U. S. law-enforcement official notes that crop dusters can beEnd Match sued Begin Match to source 1 in source list Zagorin, Adam. to disperse toxicEnd Match core group Begin Match to source 1 in source list Zagorin, Adam. TheEnd Match Begin Match to source 3 in source list (7-23-06) http//www. usatoday. com/printedition/ news/20060413/a_felony13. art. htmpeople who enter the country legally and then overstay their visas-as many as 40% of the nations estimated 12 million illegal immigrants, are guilty of a civil violation. End MatchviiiThus Begin Match to source 3 in source list (7-23-06) http//www. usatoday.com/printedition/news/20060413/a_felony13. art. htmitEnd Match becomes apparent that the United States is focusing more attention on illegal immigration than on terrorism since all of their efforts are geared toward this goal. Since these hijackers could have been apprehended but were not, and the government has only increased the number of patrols on the either border and not per se the system by which illegal immigrants are apprehended it stands to reason that the government is not altogether prepared or establishing a methodology in apprehending terrorists, they are merely cracking down by using brute force without strategy.Conclusion The safety of the United States is in constant turmoil. While much has been done over the course of the past quintet years, there are few authorities who would actually state that the country is safe. Though the year 2006 was free of any dramatic assaults against the United States, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have become increasingly costly. Both have served to commit our enemies, rather than defeat them.In the information presented in this paper it gave polar avenues by which the United States could be making a better effort to fight terror by simply having a different strategy on terrorism inclusive of finding their travel channels and relying on identification and stupid passports. The United States approach to border control, since they are using the same system now as prior to September 11 have not changed how they approach terrorists and their apprehension thus leaving room terrorists to take advantage of this lax method and exploit it.This year has seen, however, a dramatic reversal in the power center of the nation following the November elections, the congressional majorities both switched to the Democrats. The result of this switch is unclear, as of yet, however, there are many who are hopeful that the new majority will take the steps necessary to permanently secure the safety of the nation. Notes on Sources 1. The CIA World Fact Book is a very useful mechanism in todays world of global thought. The information that is found there is an excellent starting point for gathering an understanding of any world nation.2. The Global Security Foundation is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that is dedicated to property track of the proliferation of nuclear weaponry. 3. The United States Department of State is part of the US government, and posts its de-classified information on the internet. 4. The United States Federal Bureau of Investigations is the central location for information on any criminal that is deemed to be of a threat to the nation as a whole. 5. Begin Match to source 13 in source list Robinson, William H. Lake, Jennifer E. S.The 9/11 Commission wasEnd Match created Begin Match to source 13 in source list Robinson, William H. Lake, Jennifer E. S. toEnd Match investigate Begin Match to source 13 in source list Robinson, William H. Lake, Jennifer E. S. theEnd Match short comings Begin Match to source 13 in source list Robinson, William H. Lake, Jennifer E. S. ofEnd M atch the United States security, and find out how and why Al-Qaeda was able to attack from within the United States. 6. Time magazine has been a trusted name in world news for decades.The weekly journal offers insight to world events. 7. USA Today is another trusted source of news. This daily journal centers on the issues that directly involve the United States. i North Korea. CIA World Fact Book. United States Government Central Intelligence Agency. 2006. Date of access December 1, 2006. Begin Match to source 11 in source list (2-3-07) http//www. canadaol. com/search. php? opt=2keyword=+haitiURL https//www. cia. gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/End MatchknBegin Match to source 11 in source list (2-3-07) http//www.canadaol. com/search. php? opt=2keyword=+haiti. htmlEnd Match ii Nuclear Weapons Testing.Global Security Foundation. Date of access December 1, 2006. URL Begin Match to source 10 in source list http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_nuclear_weaponshttp//www . globalsecurity. org/wmd/world/dprk/nuke- test. htmEnd Match iii ibid. iv Begin Match to source 8 in source list (5-6-03) http//www. itravelnow. com/nukebrowser. php? filnavn=http//travel. state. gov80/iran_warning. htmlTravel WarningEnd Match Iran.Begin Match to source 8 in source list (5-6-03) http//www. itravelnow. com/nukebrowser. php? filnavn=http//travel. state. gov80/iran_warning. htmlUnited States Department of State. Bureau of consular Affairs. End Match 2006. Date of Access December 1, 2006. URL Begin Match to source 6 in source list (9-24-06) http//iran. gerffa. org/index. htmlhttp//travel. state. gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/tw/tw_920. htmlEnd Match v Osama Bin Laden. Federal Bureau of Investigations. 2006.Date of access December 1, 2006. URL Begin Match to source 5 in source list (1-2-07) http//www.pwgd. com/blog/lb/6196-fbino-hard-evidence-connecting-bin-laden-connected-to-911-how-israeli-terrorist-became-a-victim-global-snapshots-capitalist-intersection-of-class-nationalrace -gender-oppression/http//www. fbi. gov/wanted/terrorists/terbinladen. htmEnd Match vi The US 9/11 Commission on Border Control. (2004). Blackwell make Ltd. P569-574. vii Zagorin, Adam. (22 November 2004). Bordering On Nukes? Time. Vol. 164 Issue 21, p19. viii Kiely, Kathy. (13 April 2006). GOP View Illegal Immigration wont be Felony. USA Today.